Christ’s Home Children’s Service
www.christshome.orgThe heart of Christ’s Home is to serve the Lord by providing services to disadvantaged children in an atmosphere of love, dignity, compassion and grace. They strive to meet the spiritual, physical, emotional and social needs of the children they serve.
Kiwanis of Central Bucks has partnered with Christ’s Home by holding monthly activity nights in the activities center where we serve the children dinner, watch a movie and play games in the gymnasium. It is a blessing to see the smiles brought to the children’s faces. Our club also holds periodic food, clothing and school supply drives to meet the needs of the children Christ’s Home.
Thank you note from the director of Christ’s Home
Hi Chris,
We did get the snacks and the house parents, children and youth have all been over to pick out their favorites….more than once. ☺ It really is just one of those simple things that is a blessing, getting to pick out and choose your own snack from a variety of items.
The Kiwanis calendar books look great and I know the little guys will enjoy looking through them and doing some of the activities…
Thank you again, for you caring and thoughtful support of Christ’s Home, we are all hoping we can get back together soon.
Paul Baur, Director of Community Center